Claire Byrne breaks down how to finally stop wanting your ex back, how to fall in love with yourself, and how to find someone better.
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Heartbreak Podcast - Taking Things Slowly
This is a topic that I know will benefit some of you because this is the exact thing I needed to hear when I was dating before I met the love of my life, Larry. I know how it...
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Heartbreak Podcast - When You Don't Believe You'll Find Him
When you have experienced heart break, it can be tricky to believe that you will find love and that your Mr. or Ms. Right is out there. I have heard from people...
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Heartbreak Podcast - He's Everything I Want On Paper
I want to take you through a recent coaching call I had with a client. She kept believing this story that her unavailable ex was everything that she wanted, and that...
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Heartbreak Podcast - The Art Of What You Deserve
This episode was inspired by an episode from a podcast I love, Date/Able, hosted by Julie Krafchick and Yue Xu. In this episode, they were reviewing bad advice from dating...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Why You Haven't Found Him Yet
Have you been listening to this podcast for a while, been doing the work on cleaning up your thoughts and you still haven’t found Mr. or Ms. Right? I’m...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Three Dates Is NOTHING
How many times have you been swiping on the apps, or gone on a first date and thought, “oh my god, this is my person”? I hear that so often from clients and have...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Your Sneaky Self Beliefs
If you have listened to this podcast for a while, you have definitely heard me say that how you are in one area of your life is how you are in all areas of your life. I hear from...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Loving Your NO
Something my clients struggle with is the balance between having an open mind and knowing when they should say no to dating someone. In this episode, I talk about loving your “no”...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Ex Talk On The First Date?
I recently created a poll on my Instagram account, (be sure to follow me, @clairetheheartbreakcoach) and in the poll, I asked whether or not you should talk about your ex on a...
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Heartbreak Podcast - It Doesn't Matter How You Meet Him
I have some amazing clients. They are all in on getting their hearts healed, falling in love with themselves, and calling in Mr. or Ms. Right. I was recently working with...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Bad Reasons To Date
“I’m over being single.” This is something I have heard again and again from clients that are looking to date and are trying to call in Mr. or Ms. Right. Let’s...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Your Rejection Story
“He rejected me.” This is something I have heard clients say to me before, and is a story we so often believe about our situations as though they are a fact. However, the...
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Heartbreak Podcast - LOVING Being The Third Wheel
I was recently talking with a friend who is newly in love. She has asked another friend of hers, who is single, to hang out with her and her new partner, but the friend has...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Setting The Bar Too Low
This episode is inspired by the work that I have been doing with a client recently. She was dating this guy and said that she was falling in love with him, but also recognized that he...
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Heartbreak Podcast - Your Emotional Unavailability
Some of you listening may think, “Claire, I am totally emotionally available. It’s the guys I’m attracting who are emotionally unavailable.” I call...