Friendship Heartbreak with Liz Elkins Newcomer

fall in love with you guest heartbreak


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When a friendship ends, often, we experience heartbreak just like we do in romantic relationships. That is something that I had with today’s guest, Liz Elkins Newcomer. Liz was previously on episode 27 and we talked about heartbreak and the enneagram. At the end of that episode with Liz, I shared that we experienced some heartbreak with each other and our friendship. In this episode, we dive deeper into what lead to that, and how we both did the work, and have replaced that with something deeper and more real. 

Topics in this episode

  • How the enneagram type relates to friendships

  • Don’t take it personally

  • Our enneagram types, and the defense mechanisms of those types

  • How Liz was there for me when I was at rock bottom. To hear more about that time in my life, please listen to episode 5

  • Building up “credit” in a friendship

  • Be the real you, not the ideal you 

  • We always find proof where we’re looking for it

Links in the discussion


PLEASE NOTE: Claire refers to her exes and the listener’s ex as a “he,” based on her own personal experience as a heterosexual female, but this work can be applied to ANYONE going through heartbreak. ALL genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply Claire’s tools into their own lives!

Editing and show notes by Roth Media


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