I Don't Want Him To Think I'm a Bitch

stop wanting him back

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Heartbreak Podcast - I Don't Want Him To Think I'm a Bitch


I am fired up about this topic! I know that for many of us, we were raised to be lady-like, kind, and sweet, and as adults, this has translated into us wanting to be laid back and go with the flow. Because the alternative of saying no, standing up for what we need and deserve, can be seen as bitchy. We all are familiar with the representation of what it means to be a bitch. A bitch is someone who is miserable, has a bad attitude, and sucks the fun out of everything, and we have this fear of being her.

This episode is inspired by a client who is facing a situation where she can’t just fully cut contact with her ex. She has to see him and be around him, and in a recent group coaching call, she shared that she is ready to put her foot down with him and really end things, but she doesn’t want him to think she’s a bitch. I’ve heard this from many clients when they are ready to show up for themselves and what they truly deserve. So in this episode, let’s take a look at what it looks like to stand up for yourself, and why I want you to be the baddest bitch you need to be so that you can get to where you want to go.

If you want to sink your teeth deeper and have me look at your brain and your specific situation, you have the opportunity to apply to my group program, Stop Wanting Him Back and Find Someone Better. If you are looking for the results of healing your heart, falling in love with you, and healing your dating and love life, this program is for you. This is a high-vibe group of women that are really digging deep and showing up and doing the work so beautifully. If you join us, you are going to learn, heal, and grow next-level because you are watching women just like you move through and grow through things just like you. To learn more and apply, visit my website at https://clairetheheartbreakcoach.com/

Topics In This Episode

  • Worrying that you are ruining the fun

  • If you’ve gone back to him before, he may not believe you that this time it’s for real

  • Spelling it out clearly, distinctly, and firmly 

  • Anger is a healthy emotion to feel and express

  • It’s not bitchy to stand up for yourself and stop accepting bullshit 

  • If they are turned off by you speaking up for what you need and what you deserve, then they are clearly not your person


PLEASE NOTE: Claire refers to her exes and the listener’s ex as a “he,” based on her own personal experience as a heterosexual female, but this work can be applied to ANYONE going through heartbreak. ALL genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply Claire’s tools into their own lives!

Editing and show notes by Roth Media


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