Your Ability To Receive

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Heartbreak Podcast - Your Ability To Receive


Let’s talk about our ability to receive. This topic comes from a coaching client who recently came to our coaching and shared that she is finding it really difficult to receive a gift that was offered to her. When we dig into the hard work of upleveling ourselves and healing our hearts, I have seen with many of my clients that the universe recognizes the work and provides abundance and opportunity. However, because of the heartbreak we’ve experienced, it’s not always easy to lean into the opportunity and be able to receive what is being offered. In this episode, I walk you through how to take inventory of where you may be over-giving to others, where you should give to yourself, and how to receive the love you deserve. 

There is a reason you haven’t found Mr. Right yet. If you want to get coached to stop wanting Mr. Wrong, fall in love with you, and find someone better, apply to join my one-year coaching program, Stop Wanting Him Back and Find Someone Better. This program has over 60 videos, weekly group coaching calls, and the opportunity to Write a Coach and get answers to your questions in 24 hours. To learn more, go to:

Topics in this episode

  • Coaching you through cutting contact with your ex

  • Why you’re attracting unavailable men 

  • Dating yourself, and what that may look like for you 

  • My thoughts on casual sex for my clients

  • Where are you not giving to yourself? 

  • Investigating the thoughts that make us uncomfortable

  • Behaviors that show the universe that you are unavailable


PLEASE NOTE: Claire refers to her exes and the listener’s ex as a “he,” based on her own personal experience as a heterosexual female, but this work can be applied to ANYONE going through heartbreak. ALL genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply Claire’s tools into their own lives!

Editing and show notes by Roth Media


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