She Found Someone Better

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Heartbreak Podcast - She Found Someone Better


I have such an awesome conversation to share with you today. My bestie and holistic health coach Jamie McKeowen is back! She has been a guest before where we have talked about what to eat on a broken heart, dating apps, and she has even helped me answer some of your questions. But today, we are talking about her and how she called love in.

It was about this time last year when I was working on creating my course - which is now available in my group coaching program, Stop Wanting Him Back and Find Someone Better - and Jamie was instrumental in helping me create the videos in the program. In this conversation, Jamie shares how the work and the coaching I was doing helped her to identify where she wanted to make some changes in her love life to be ready for her person, and how she then created that result! Jamie has now been in an amazing relationship for eight months, and I am just so thrilled for her and what she has created. 

If you are ready to find your person like Jamie did, then I invite you to join my group coaching program, Stop Wanting Him Back and Find Someone Better. It’s a one year program where I coach you through the three results of stopping wanting Mr. or Ms. Wrong Back, falling in love with you, and finding someone better. We do this through three calls a week, plus you have access to “Ask A Coach” where you can write in and get a coached response within 24 hours, as well as access to over over 60 videos of coaching. To learn more and apply, go to

Topics In This Episode

  • The catalyst for any big change you want to make

  • Creating the feeling of being ready

  • Your work doesn’t stop when you are in a relationship. It just becomes something a little different

  • The unresolved shit that may be getting in your way

  • Acknowledging discomfort and walking into it boldly

  • Being in healthy relationships may be unfamiliar, and therefore, more difficult 

  • Understanding our love languages so we can ask for and get what we need from our partners 

  • Clocking your own unavailability


PLEASE NOTE: Claire refers to her exes and the listener’s ex as a “he,” based on her own personal experience as a heterosexual female, but this work can be applied to ANYONE going through heartbreak. ALL genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply Claire’s tools into their own lives!

Editing and show notes by Roth Media


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